The new things I've tried so far are mostly cooking related. In my efforts to occupy my time/ help keep my husband sane during his hard work schedule/ enjoy my temporary housewifery (housewifeness? housewifemanship? Whatever.) I have been trying out a lot of new recipes. I'll share a few of those with you today and might continue to do so later if you like/ if I feel like it. :P
A couple of my recent dinners have come from the blog of Mama Laughlin because I'm kind of obsessed with her. She lost weight the healthy way and is straight out hilarious and fun.
Two of our (our being The Hubs and me) favorites were:
Mama Laughlin's Skinnier Chicken Spaghetti
This is super easy and turned out pretty delicious. Clearly you can see from the name that the recipe calls for Spaghetti (duh!) but I used rotini because, well, that's what we had. You gotta use what you've got (I believe I've said that before). I actually think it would have been a little better with the spaghetti, texture-wise. But it was definitely yummy. I'm not going to go through the whole recipe here because if you're too l-a-z-y to click the link, you're probably never going to make it anyway.
So, I think I would give this dish a 7.5 out of 10. It was easy to prepare and yummy, but not something we'll put on the weekly schedule.
Second was: Mama Laughlin's Cowboy Casserole
Whoa, boy. Let me tell you...This. Was. AWESOME. First of all, this was the easiest dinner I have made since regularly
However, I'm going to go out on a pretty sturdy limb here and say that it is not the most low-cal of recipes. Worth it. So worth it. Again, click on the link. As a bonus, you'll get to experience Mama Laughlin...she's way more fun to read than me.
I would say this is a definite keeper in my house. 9 or 9.5 out of 10. This will probably be a go-to meal since it is so easy and yummy. Also this gets a really high Husband Rating. His exact words were "Oh my God, this is fantastic." I casually replied, "I'm glad you like it." But inside I was all...
Thanks Mama Laughlin
Mmmm Cheesy |
I also made some cookies out of bananas today. Yep, that's right bananas.
They were somewhere between decent and pretty good. Good enough to curb a sweets craving, but not something I would make for a bake sale or anything. But if you need something to try out to keep yourself from eating a whole tub of cookie dough, this is worth a shot. If you like banana bread and also like oatmeal cookies, you will probably like these. They're (you guessed it) really easy.
It is all over Pinterest and the internet but here's the recipe I used: Skinny Banana Cookies
It is from Six Sister's Stuff, another of my blog favorites. A few notes on these if you want to try them:
1) I added a tsp on vanilla and 2 tsps of honey to mine. Just because.
2) I needed to bake mine for longer than the recipe calls for. Be that because of my additions, differences in ovens or altitude, I do not know. However, I have seen other sites with this recipe that bake it on a higher temp (450 degrees) for the same amount of time (12-15minutes). I will likely try this next time.
Ok, enough with the food.
New thing number 2: Any men reading this, skip this next bit....
I have been running/trying to run lately. I'm to the point where I can run 1/4-1/2 Kilometer at a time, walk a 1/2K then run again. My goal is to work up to the point where I can actually run a 5K in October. I'll tell you more about my plans for that in another post.
Anyone have any good Sports Bra suggestions? I need it to be affordable and able to accommodate DDs, because, this is what one of my current ones is doing to me:
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Sorry for the shoulder nudity. I am clothed from the armpits down, it just doesn't show. promise. |
Finally, I'm thinking about trying some furniture repurposing type stuff. I see so many cute things on blogs and I'd love to try to do something like that myself.
Check out this thing I found a yard sale.
I didn't buy it. Which is good, I guess, because when I got home and showed this picture to The Hubs, he reacted with disgust and basically refused to let me buy it/bring it in the house. was my fantasy on this one--- Wouldn't it be cute if it was taken off those little wheels and repainted? Maybe white, or a bright pastel? The hardware could be updated and a cute fabric cushion added to the middle part. I thought it would be nice in an entryway, a little seat to take off shoes with some storage for those things you want to drop when you get through the door.
But alas, it was not meant to be. There will be other cool finds that I can re-do. Hopefully that are more appealing to my husband, or at least easier to convince him of the potential.
So what do you think? Any thoughts on the recipes or running for the first time? How do you feel about fixing up thrift finds? Are you up to anything new recently? New is fun, challenging, scary and exciting all at once.