
Friday, August 9, 2013

New town, new license

I'm sorry it has been so long since I did my first post.
I know, I know...I say I'm starting a blog, tease you with a first post then disappear for like 2 weeks. What can I say, I'm just a tease like that.
Not really, though. I do plan on updating on a more regular basis. The past couple of weeks have been pretty difficult for me. My grandfather passed away (I may do a memorial post about that later, once I'm able) and I've been away from home.
But I'm back now.

Today I was very productive.

I made my first trip to the local post office to send out a resume and cover letter for a job that I would REALLY like. So, fingers crossed on that. The lady at the post office was so nice and so friendly.

Then I went to the local DMV to get a new driver's license with my new last name and new address. Everyone there was so nice too! I went in thinking they would want my updated S.S. card, but they wanted my marriage license, which I thought was at home. But I got to my car and realized it was still in my "Big Red Folder of Important Papers" which I had with me. So I went back and was able to update my license. Both the lady who helped me and the one that had previously told me I didn't have the right document were very sweet and had a laugh with me about coming back so quickly.

However, can we pause a moment and talk about this picture?
This is my "Excuse me, I do not actually look this chubby in real life" face. Honestly. Now, believe me, I am heavier than I used to be and losing weight is definitely a priority for me right now. But cameras refuse to give me a break. Other than that, its a good picture for a license. At least I don't look drugged like I did on my last one. How about letting a girl know when you're going to take a picture so she can smile and not looked zoned out, you know? So this one is better. I guess.

Ok, anyway...silly license stuff is done now.

I went to the bank and asked for my name changed on my cards. So it all should be super duper official. The banker was really nice too. Everyone in this town is just so friendly and nice. I love it!

Oh...and did you see this??

My M.A. certificate(...diploma? what do you call it? the paper also called a degree? I don't know, but you know what I'm talking about) came yesterday!  The mailman was my best friend that day. It is such a good feeling to finally have it. To be honest it was starting to feel like maybe it wasn't going to arrive and maybe the last three years were just a terrible, crazy nightmare and I really didn't earn anything from it. But whew, no...I can stop pinching myself because it is really here for real. I AM A MASTER!!! Just kidding. Sort of.

Other than that, there's not a lot of news.

I've been looking for and applying for jobs. Oh, so  exciting. No, really. Please, someone hire me.

The Hubs has been working a lot. Which is fine with me. I like my alone time. But it was hard and I did miss him when he couldn't make it to my grandpa's funeral. And it is hard when people make comments in public...because they don't understand anything but a 9-5. Lucky dogs.
Like when I took his truck in to get serviced, it was a little more expensive than we had hoped and I joked with the cashier that my husband wasn't going to be happy. She said "tell him next time he has to bring it in!" Oh, lady...if only his hours would allow that. But you close at 6 and he will be working for another hour at least after that.
Or when I went to the bank and the lady is talking about all these awesome free events and concerts that I would love to go to. I said "Bummer. That sounds fun. I'd love to go if I had someone to go with." She said "drag your husband out."  I'm sure his bosses and patients would love that.

The thing is, I'm ok with it. Like I said, for the most part, I enjoy being independent. It is just funny to encounter so many people that find the schedule so foreign.  Try to remember everyone lives a different life. Yours may be 9-5, but ours isn't. My sister's husband is a pilot and he is gone for days or a week a time.  And should I even mention all the amazingly strong friends I have who have husbands away in the armed forces? There are lots of different schedules and ways married life works.

That said, I do need to make some friends. That way, on a Friday night when cool stuff is going on, I go out with someone.

I need to get involved in something so that I can have something to do and meet people.

It probably won't solve the "meeting people" thing but as far as occupying my free time, I was thinking about contacting one of the breeders I have been following and seeing if they could use a volunteer to come take care of and play with their Danes. Since the hubs and I can't get one until I'm set in my job and we get a bigger vehicle, it might satiate my need to be a puppy mommy for a while.

Alright, that is far too much for you to read. I apologize. I have nothing else to do on a Friday night ;)

I'll keep you updated on the job search. And weight loss (down 5lbs this week! woo!) And the friend/activity search too.

Have a great night!

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