
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Piece by Piece Paleo--Week 2 Review

This week on Piece by Piece Paleo we cut legumes and grains out of dinner. This is in addition to continuing to keep grains out of breakfast, from week one.

I feel like I am getting better at breakfasts. Last week I had trouble eliminating cereal from  my breakfast routine. I was basically eating eggs everyday and got tired of that fast. I missed the quick and easy go-to of my cereal.

It took me about a week and a half, but I'm feeling comfortable with grain-free breakfasts now. This week I have eaten a lot of fruit for breakfast, which satisfies my need for fast and easy. I haven't used any recipes from my new (free) e-books yet, but I'm happy I have them to fall back on when I need them.

Banana with PB & Honey + Raspberries =
yummy in my tummy breakfast 
I know what you're thinking (or maybe you're not), "Casey, isn't that peanut butter on your banana cheating? Aren't peanuts legumes?" 
And technically, I think you'd be right. I'll check with our Piece by Piece coach, but peanut butter is probably actually something I should be filtering out of my diet for Paleo. I'm completely happy to switch it for a different, allowed nut butter (Mmmm cashew butter). However, this week I only had the peanut butter on hand, so that's what I ate.

So breakfast is going well. Fantastic. How about my grain & legume free dinners?

Well, there were good days and bad days. 

Chicken stir fried with onion, broccoli, and carrots.

I had a couple really good meals that were completely in line with our Week 2 rules. 

Sidebar to say how lucky I am to be married to a man who likes to cook. I don't love cooking and he is very good at it, so I let him be the family chef anytime he is actually home and able!

Dr. Hubs made a delicious stir fry with chicken, broccoli, onion, and carrots. He was kind enough to humor support my Paleo program and cook his rice separately so that I could have mine without (No grains!). It was really yummy!

Fish and broccoli
He also made a pretty yummy fish dinner one night. I think he said it was mahi-mahi. I'm just starting to like fish, so don't judge me for not knowing. And I ate mine with broccoli again. I love broccoli. It is my go-to veggie. Yum yum.

There were a couple dinner failures too. On my part, not Dr.HusbandChef's. A long known issue came to light for me. If I wait too long to eat/let myself get too hungry, I will not have enough energy/willpower to stick to my plan. Just give me the quickest, easiest, tastiest thing in the house and give it to me now! So, as I work on monitoring my hunger, properly utilizing snacking, and eating at regular, reasonable intervals, I think I will do better with keeping to the plan.

Overall, week 2 was easier than I thought it would be. I'm looking forward to seeing what is in store for week 3!

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