
Sunday, July 21, 2013

What the what, a blog?

If you're reading this you probably already know me. Or you're a random internet stalker [Hi, creepy stalker!] or something. But for the sake of formality, we'll do the whole "Introduction Post" thing...I suppose.  Le sigh. So here it goes:

Hi, I'm Casey. I'm also Mrs. Robinson. But not the one from the awesome Simon and Garfunkel song, nor the movie, The Graduate, which I still need to see. I can't promise my life is or will be as interesting as those Mrs. Robinsons, but I do have some cool things going on in my life that I thought my friends/family might like to read about. Thus this blog.

For instance: I recently married my super awesome husband, we both graduated from Ohio State University with my Masters and his M.D., we moved across the state, bought our first home, and are settling in. The hubs is working as a 1st year Resident Physician and I am applying for jobs in my field.  We're working on making the condo all homey and us, and trying to learn more about the area in which we live.

When I'm not applying for jobs or doing house stuff (aka: unpacking/decorating the house/putting furniture together like a boss), I'm trying to get back into shape since the stress assault of graduate school, getting married, applying for jobs and supporting the hubs as he applied for residencies, moving, dealing with family illness, and basically just being a young, broke adult caused me to stress eat and give up exercise. The resulting weight gain and inability to walk 5 feet without being reduced to a melting, huffing & puffing pile of redhead has me all bummed out. So, I might post about that sometimes too.

Now that you know who I am and why I'm blogging, here's an update on my life:

Our super awesome friends Caitie and Kevin were up to visit his parents so we got to have dinner and see Despicable Me 2 with them. It was a wonderful time and I was sooo happy to see them-- I've missed them a lot! Plus, I haven't made any friends here yet so I've really been craving some socialization.

We officially have the kitchen and living room all set up, minus a few odds and ends.

Today we chopped down a jungle that was growing on our back yard/patio area. The former owners left it for us and boy, was it a job. I say "was", but we're not done yet. We have to find a yard waste disposal center and get rid of the weeds and overgrown plants we massacred today. Then we need to work on making that back area usable and enjoyable. So, yeah. Its going to be an ongoing project.

That's pretty much the highlights for now.

Hope everyone is enjoying this summer. I miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Please do a blog! We will definitely read. We love keeping up with you guys any way we can. Love you lots.
